Just a Question

I have some books that I'd like to donate - do any of my readers know where I can take them? I'm thinking of the library but maybe there's somewhere else I can take them ya know??

No stitching since Saturday, my cousin's baby shower is this Sunday and I have to get on the ball with the last minute things that have to be done. I usually mind when it comes to things like this but I think I must really like my cousin because I'm actually looking forward to doing this for her :-) The only thing I don't look forward to is seeing someone on Sunday - she's such an a**hole. She called herself giving my other cousin some "school" advice and ended up dissing nurses (my cousin is thinking of becoming one) want to know something funny? She's a RN herself *sigh* I swear some people in my family are just ignorant!

Well I'm going to read a little before I go to bed, I'm thinking the faster I read these books I have (and I think I have a lot) the quicker I can get them out of here, donate them and buy new ones haha! :-) Good Night!!!


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