How Cute Are These ?

I’ve become obsessed with a new collection.

Awhile ago, I showed some pictures of a few “Baby” planters that I had found in the antique and thrift stores. Ever since then, I’ve been on the hunt for more and over the past two weeks, I’ve been lucky enough to find several of them and at a very good price. They only cost around $5.00 a piece and some were even on sale for 20% off. Can’t beat that. So for around $20, I now have added four new Baby planters to my collection.

The first one is in the shape of an old fashioned bassinet…

The next three were all found in the same antique shop in a case full of Baby planters. There were so many too choose from in so many different styles, but these were the ones I was most drawn to. Sorry that the colors aren't better. I have such a hard time with my camera sometimes trying to get the sharpness and color quality I want no matter how may adjustments I try and make.

A little buggy shaped planter with pink, blue and yellow flowers…

A pink, blue and yellow planter in the shape of a dress….

And finally, a planter in the shape of a baby’s bootie, with just a touch of pink and blue….

These may be the last planters that I will add to my collection as I am definitely running out of room to display all of my new found treasures, but you never know. I may add more of them if I find one or two that I just can’t pass up.

Oh my, I also just realize that this is my 50th blog post. Yippee for me!!!

Sorry, no fun giveaways or anything like that. That will have to wait until some other time. I'm just amazed at how much fun I've had blogging and getting to meet so many wonderful new people and being able to share with you my passion for collecting and decorating my home. What a fun journey this has been.


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