"God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way."
This came by email
tis lovely
Welcome March!! Now let's see some signs of Spring here please dear Lord.
left this award for all the Pink Artists.
Go grab yours too
Alison of Creative Arts & Craft awarded this to me also
thank you Alison!! Love your Blog too!

just a FEW of MY joys TODAY
my BBF, Marcia is coming to visit
hubby did dishes & cooked breakfast today
hubby made coffee before I came downstairs
a bird sang at the window to wake me up
I am able to do laundry
hats to keep my head warm
what a friend I have in Jesus
getting the book Wicked, The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West
in the mail, from my bookmooch.com account
the love of my dear family
the bible
much love , Deena
please sign my guest book at the right &
I'm working on my blog buttons
so click them to see what treats they hold