I even added a Mr Linkie..and ..I'll be adding a clickable icon for your BLOG later today..spread the Fantasy.
I slept great..with the aid of Ambien, up bright eyed
& bushy tailed at 5:15 AM.
Taking meds, drinking water, eating, got my goodie bag packed.
Rich is going to snow blow the drive..and hopefully the
snow plow will be through again in a bit.
We got about 6 inches or more..the schools are all closed.
I feel good about today..and I know I'll at LEAST get the
injection to start my bones hardening.
I want to THANK Dolly for my Valentine Swap box, Mollye for
my KING CAKE from Louisianne to celebrate Mardi Gras
Dana's friend Cyndi for the lotion for when Radiation begins.
Pictures will be coming !!
is something I love to do..take a peek
I'll let you know the skinny as soon as I can today.
Blood Tests are at 8:15 AM, then see my oncologist, Diane Prager, then
the plan for the day!!
thank you everyone..you are awesome
and my angel wings!!!
PS, the snow plow is here!!
Yippee we'll be able to head out, no problem
thank you Jesus!!
This came this AM from Marcella..thank you dear!!
Updated my surgery pics here . LOOK at YOUR discretion
it's NOT "Girls Gone Wild" or "Spring Break"
The pics from Dec. and this Monday past.
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