I did take a sleep aid..slept 11 hours.
I so needed it.
My body is achey today
but I am glad for the day
the Lord hath made.
I heard Punxsutawney PHIL saw his shadow ..so six more
weeks of winter. I can DO that!!
If you get a chance, watch "Groundhog's Day"
tis a sweet tale of getting it right.
Today we have freezing fog, but when Rich came down
for coffee, I said Freezing Frog ..oh my gosh.
I'm a nut
My head has the fuzzies..so I've started asking him
to help me keep my meds straight AND I wrote
things on the labels , just in case.
I have a HUGE 7 days of the week case I use to make
sure I do it daily.
Today I woke up and looked at my husbands face & found
the blessing of another day waiting.

Again I ask for prayers for Nicole. poor dear. She made a mistake
and added liquor to the wrong patrons tab and they didn't point it
out , paid & left.
The other patron did notice, it cost the
restaurant 30.00 and that was IT.
There must be more, she
has worked there for ?? way over a year?? and now she's gone??
All I can say..is the dishonest person who didn't bring her error
to her attention ..should be shamed, she and my two grandsons
barely make it from paycheck to paycheck. God has a plan for Nicole
I am SURE!
Thought I'd show ya a picture of how I eat ..this was lunch
one day this week
The Salmon salad Sally made..and the little ATC
she made just for me!! I'm wrapped in the wings.
I so love it..I feel this way!!
Enjoy the day..it's a gift
be kind & gentle
but get tough when you need to!!
fondly, Deena
Passing this to ALL of you
as you are a HUGE blessing to me

Click the bonnet to go to my Easter drawing! sign up by Feb 14th.
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