Tis a very COLD day here. Woke of to zero, and crunchy snow.
I feel amazingly good, slept good, no sickness , still have hair!!
Oh what a Sunday.
I'll be doing a few domestic things as my strength allows &
napping for sure.
Friday night Rich and I watched "3 10 to Yuma" with
Russell Crow, a remake of a 1957 western with Glenn Ford.
I enjoyed it, and there was always that glimmer of
hope for good in Ben Wade, Crowe's character.
Rich brother, Gary is coming to visit next Saturday...may not be good
for me, but I am hoping the boys will decided what to do with
their dad long term.
He's doing QUITE well at
his apartment at Independence Village, but he can
stay in that apartment for 4 months, then he'll need to
make a long term commitment.
I need to get working a bit
and talk Rich into making breakfast, cinammon rolls and boiled eggs, with some milk for me ..and water , water, water..
Enjoy the day the Lord has made!!
Deena & her friend, Mr Sanders
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