oh I had to have this darling SHOE, ..so I ordered it from
it will be arriving SOON.
Well, I haven't been lazy, but I'm late getting here.
I called my plastic surgeon & I go in @ 9AM
for him to have a looky loo at my tummy.
If I wasn't doing chemo, I'd not worry, but
I have to be careful now.
I have it bandaged with NeoSporin & it's not
worse, but not better.
Wasn't the eclipse awesome?? Did the moon
turn red where you are?? My camera
just didn't have the UMPH to get
pic of it in the dark..WAAH
I'm asking for a PRO camera for Christmas 2008.
Today I'm finishing up my Pink Artist Squares
& the domestic things!! Like dishes, laundry, bed
making .
it's snowing and cold here AGAIN
oh my gosh , by now I usually have green things peeking out
of the ground. Spring WILL come.
Check out the BALD EAGLE pics
my friend Rhea took..they are
Please stop by my friend JoAnna's blog
Her mom SUDDENLY passed away
& she is heart broken.
even with all the heartache this life offers
we are all blessed each day.

This sweet award is from
she's so CREATIVE!!
I'm going to do a post to pass on
awards ..I'm just so slow!!
Joys today
the lunar eclipse was awesome & we had clear skies
jazzy music on the radio
candles that smell like SPRING
Nicole ( my daughter) got a new job yesterday
friends who pray for me & care (that's why I'm doing SO good)
being able to create artsy stuff
being able to do housework
the blessing of being a stay at home everything after 30 years
What are you joys?? Please share..
"What shall we say about such wonderful things as these?
If God is for us, who can EVER be against us"
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