I'm doing pretty in pink good . Only got sick once last night and
today I have a pink face & neck but that's
one of the expected side effects.
A headache too, but
big deal!!
Slept about 7 hours without a sleeping pill..that's good!
I go back on 2/29/2008 for my second of SIX treatments, then
a new Pet/CT scan after the 6 chemo treatments, the pl
an is about a month after chemo,
radiation starts.
The Herceptin( IV) is a once every three weeks for a year also.
I got an award today from Suzy of Wild Rose Cottage

I'm have no more courage than any of you who
are fighting such hard times, so please I'm passing this on to
all of you.
and an award from Jan of Bold & Free
a few days ago for sharing joy despite physical turmoil,
oh we all have that, but God makes us strong & when
we cant' be He carries us through it.

Feel free to take all awards for you or to give to others with me blessingS!!
This award came from Jennifer of Dust Bunny Hostage

Please feel free to take all the awards for you or to pass on to
someone else
thank you all for the kindness
enjoy the day the Lord hath made,
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