Even though my white count is
still high**we are doing chemo**
I'm hooked up (**first stick**)
with my pre meds. Steroids & antinausea drugs.
Rich & I have settled into our chairs and I'm quite HAPPY!
Going to get Herceptin, Taxotere & Carboplatin.
Praise God!! Pray that the infection stays in check, the nurse isgoing
to give me Neulasta, to keep that count up, to help fight that infection, before
I leave today.
Next Thursday , Friday & Saturday will probably be my
worst days, no strength , low blood counts & no immunities.
I asked Dr. Prager about my prognosis***
can I cure you..NO, can I get you in remission.. YES
I have a few years I hope, I will embrace EACH day & love
my loved ones, bring joy to others & garden as much as I can.
Can't wait for Spring and breezy days on the deck.
I'll post as I can.
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