Turn off my player on the right further down & play this video.
Today Rich & I celebrate 15 years of marriage.
Our girls taped this song, & would make us breakfast
& serve it in bed with this song PLAYING.
Oh they were SWEET.
I'll be back with more ..of our story & pictures
maybe this weekend.
Till then I'll be watching movies & soaking up
some sun through the window.
Celebrate Life, Share your Joy of the Day with us.
My joys today
a loving husband,
snow that looked like mica in the sun this morning,
dark chocolate Dove Promises,
a cold pepsi,
soft pillows,
please visit
for more joy~~

gave me this
She thinks I create pretties!!
I'm passing it on to
for making pretties for all of us to enjoy.
PS..My oncologist said Thursday , Friday and
Saturday will be my "bottom out" days.
I just got the biggest waive of exhaustion, so
if I don't post for a few days, just know
I'm resting . I'll be back..and for now

Rich will take GOOD care of me.
lovingly, Deena
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