
Well tomorrow I go to my big job fair. I've printed out 25 resumes which should be more than enough since I'm only interested in 13 of the hospitals that will be there. I thought it would be easier to go to one place and interview many times in one day then to go on many days. Sijjad said he would go with me since some schools will be there as well, but I'm not too sure if he'll come since he works tomorrow night and needs sleep. I need to get to bed early tonight since I have to wake up at 7am so I can leave my house at 8am - yep it takes me an entire hour to get ready but now that I think of it maybe I should wake up earlier because I know that tomorrow will be the day that Ana wants to find that perfect place to use the bathroom because if she doesn't the world will end LOL.

It's 2pm here but I think I should start getting ready for tomorrow. I'm wondering if I should get my nails re-polished. I usually get a manicure every 2 weeks and went last week so I'm not sure. I definitely still have my hair to wash and straighten and of course I have to find out if the shirt and shoes I have go with my suit - I hope they do because if they don't then I'll have to go last minute shopping and I hate last minute shopping.

I started on my friend's baby gift last night. So far I have a line and 2 letters of the alphabet done. I'm missing 2 skeins of floss that it calls for and don't know when I'll be able to go get them. I gave away a bunch of floss to my best friend last month and I think I gave her the colors that I needed - I knew that was going to happen! Oh well she got to stitch and that's what matters. I'm also looking for another ornament to stitch and think it might end up being San Man Originals Kisses From Heaven. I stitched it last year for Kelly and it's so cute. I try to stitch him a snowman every year so far he has 2 and since I've been stitching for that long I haven't fallen behind once hehe.


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