I've added another update pic on my Yule piece. Next time I post a picture it will be officially done since I am now just waiting on the buttons to arrive. I hope I ordered the right ones though since if they don't fit the space I'll have to go back to stitching the lightbulbs and I really don't want to do that.

I haven't blogged in quite a while. I've had stuff to blog about but everytime I sat down to write all that I had to write about just flew out of my head like, believe it or not, now. I don't want to bore you with the specifics on the holidays so I won't. I got money and I spent it with family. The money I got I can't spend on anything that I want because I need to pay for a parking ticket and need to buy uniforms for work *blah* I really would like to buy some clothes though since I did my yearly closet clean out Thursday and threw 2/3 (if not more) of my clothes away. I regretted it the next day but the old really had to go. Oh I dyed my hair and I LUV the way it turned out. It's like a not so dark but still dark brown. I love it for real. Kelly says it's too dark but I really love the color. It's still lighter than my real color which is starting to make me wonder how dark is my hair.

Ana is doing alot better. On the third day she jumped on the bed and last night she was really playful. She still has problems getting down the stairs and jumping off the bed but with time she'll get back to normal. She's also following me when she can. I have to buy her a little hoodie or something because when I bring her in from her walk her ears are ice cold. I'd like to get her little boots too but last time I put them on her she freaked out and I had to return them. Atleast I think we returned them, they still could be at Kelly's house.

Well I'm going to stitch or play Sims. I do have 2 RRs that I have to complete and one of them looks REALLY quick to stitch so I may really work on that then play Sims but we'll see. Oh I started a new project for me and hope to finish it up before 2004 is over - HIHs Christmas Medley. It looks like it will take a while to stitch because the chart is so big but it's really a quick one I think, they just charted it big. TTYL :)


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