tis me ..a lil bleary, worse for wear and tear..and my
eyes..well you know kinda eyes she got.
I love that song by the Stones...Faraway Eyes..when I
looked in the mirror today, those words came to mind.
Today was good, my friend Sheri came to babysit
while hubby went out to a job he had to do and
we had a good long talk.
I do feel a lil bleary, a bit worse for wear & tear..but I'm
still me. I saw my legs yesterday when Rich was patting me
down after my shower ..OMG I need to shave them. I told
Rich , I want to be a girl. It'll happen...teeheehheee
I'm too tired to type and my right arm needs TLC..so I'll
try to share more tomorrow.
I did get the Pathology Report info from my doctor on
Saturday, before I left the hospital. Once I get MY head
and heart around it..I'll share with you .. It was another "not
as good as we thought" report, but I am not afraid. I just
don't want my family and friends hurting for me.
I know someone has survived EVERY type of cancer in EVERY stage
and I have lots of gardening to do...I've not met my purpose here
The one thing I can tell you, is I am FULL of love..my cup runneth over
and that's the best feeling .
I'll be reading and educating myself, because Knowledge is Power!!
love in Him, deena

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