Hello to all my friends
I may not get to answer each of you
or post a comment back to each who visits
I read every comment..bask in the joy of it..visit
your blogs and pray for you all too.
I have to keep my typing to a minium
so just know I care and that each post brightens my day
and fills me with God's love.
Here are my girls..Hannah my dog..Mya on my chair...my FAT cat
and me resting and cuddling.
Rich went downstairs to get some dog food and came
back up to click this picture of us.
My chair has a sheet on it..for comfort..and
I have my "surgery uniform" on..a velcro'd cammy
and pj pants..My drain bulbs are in a little "purse"
around my neck and over my shoulder..
My TED white socks, to protect against blood clots
and my HOT pink slippers from Linda.
I have gotten cards and presents, I'll try to post soon.
Last night, I fought a WAR with pain, nightmares, sweats, and no
position to feel comfort in, I WON!!! I woke this morning ..unable to
speak for about a minute & felt much better the rest of the day.
I'm going to try to cut down on pain meds at night to see if
that helps with theses awful horrid dreams..and jerks of my body
with the feeling and fear of falling..
Tomorrow we visit Dr. Mammolito and we'll discuss the cancer and
pathology reports more, get an appointment with my oncologist
and plan the next path of this pink journey.
Rich is so protective, caring, loving..and a GREAT cook.
yummy food daily for me
your friend , brimming with the love of God thru each of you.
My friend Mary sent this to me, but it only fit fully in my post,
not the side bar.. Isn't it lovely and SWEET!!!
Did you know..I'm SweetAnnee??
Happy Birthday Dear Jesus

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