Friday, day 3 of my hospital spa stay..LOL
Started out as a not so bad day..I had set up in bed
and got a "bath" and ate lunch, but come 11.30 ish
I got a horrid headache. I must admit it was worse
than any of the surgery pain. The nurses and doctor
gave me a break , as I was SUPPOSE to
get up and walk, and have my catheter removed.
My friend Sheri came to visit and Rich went to
check on his dad. Sheri set with me for about 5 hours
just trying to comfort me, let me sleep, her cool hands
on my neck and forehead. She was a blessing.
About 5PM the migraine finally left and I was so glad to say farewell!! Do NOT come back.
My blood pressure and hemoglobin rose a bit. More good news, no transfusion yet.
Rich brought in a dozen pink roses and a poinsettia plant and
my sister in law, Rhonda
sent a lovely bouquet of red and whites.
Marcia and Michele came up Thursday evening ..that was
a sweet visit ..two of my best friends .
Rich went home Friday night, it was snowy so lovely..and he was LONELY
at home, but I was glad I felt safe enough to let him leave.

We went to see Dr Jones at 8AM, got my last drain steritape changed on my tummy a little attention to my new breast and we go back on 12/31..Dr Jones is quite pleased
with my recovery and Rich told me that Dr. Jones knows I have a CRUSH on him. He is so kind, caring and gentle ..and HANDSOME, well dressed and just love his accent.
The place where one drain was removed yesterday , continues to bleed a bit too much
but Dr. Jones showed Rich how to massage it and help it drain out a bit and then
start to heal.
The staff at the office were so festive and SWEET and even Dr. Mammolito
walked through and hugged me and told me .."now it's time for you to get WELL"
I love her too, we could be friends, she alot like me..OH MY I hope she doesn't
read this..that statement my scare her!!!!!!!! ROFLOL
I have only taken 2 pain pills today.!! another goal
Nicole , my oldest daughter came today, with her youngest, Caleb..She cleaned the house
THANK GOODNESS and shaved my legs..WOOHOO..I'm a girl again.
Caleb was very gentle and leary of me..I showed him my surgery and he was
so glad the cancer is GONE!! He's 4 but he has a lil understanding of
Gramma Deena being sick with Breast Cancer.. He's so cute, loving and sometimes
even a GOOD BOY.. He said he was a super duper good boy..teehee
We had PIZZA for supper, and some cake from Sally, YUMMY..a good day
all in all..
my daughter. Her car was impounded on Saturday eve in the snow...after she'd left me at the hospital and
she need funds to get it back..more than any of us have right now.
Please ask God for assistance in finding a she is
a single mom (soon to be divorced) of two young boys.
She needs her car badly.
thank you in advance for lifting up her needs to our Lord.
fondly, deena

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