The day after surgery went pretty good, I did have one
time when my pain wasn't bearable..but it was
taken care of pronto..
My "On Que" had stopped working
it's a small ball of meds, with a pump and nodes inserted
directly into my incision site..right where the stomach was
opened to get the tissue, blood vessels , and FAT ..(yes take it!!)
for my new breast.
It worked great
My blood pressure
took a large drop, my hemoglobin was WAY low and
they had to change my pain med
..do it yourself pump from
morphine ..to a new med thinking it would help..as
morphine is known to lower blood pressure.
That day
I just layed there ..with drains, cathater, IVs , pain pump
in me and I felt so weak I was sure I would die..but I wasn't scared
even then. Rich stayed the night again, despite the every two
hour interruption of sleep for vital checks..and the blood pressure
just kept going lower (transfusion had been mentioned MANY times)
of course ..I made it!!! YIPPEE..
TODAY.. we went to my breast cancer surgeon..Dr. Mammolito..and
I was THRILLED when we she removed TWO of my THREE drains..woohoo
I've lost the black of the shoulder drain bulb holder..
Now I have one drain bulb in the inside pocket of my cami..
Of course we laughed..teehee..and I told her that before she came in to
see me and I was talking about my parents..and how I had always wanted a mother
and then how I bet my step and bio mom thought I was a disappointment..and Rich went
"OK, everybody just calm down" I said.."I'm the only one here" ..Rich says.
"I know I'm talking to all your personalities Sybil"
I was ROARING ...I bet everyone ..in the office and waiting area heard me laughing.
Now for the skinny on the Pathology Report
I am in Stage 3 C of Invasive Lobular Carcinoma
Dr Mammolito removed 39 lymphs..and 29 were cancer.
I have the size of my lump..but I will add that as I'm too tired
to get up, get it and get settled again..but I remember that the margins she removed
around the mass was clear!!! YIPPEE
I will be seeing a Oncologist
Dr. Diane Prager, a Radiation Oncologist , (oh WHERE did I put that name??? teehee,)
lots of testing on my body and blood, chemotherapy, then radiation, and taking a med for year
as my Hormone Receptor test results showed
no cancer in the progesteron ..weak for cancer in the estrogen and
my Her2Neu
tested as 3+for cancer.
This usually indicates that the cancer is agressive and treatment
needs to be started ASAP.
So I imagine by next week, I'll be taking the med Herceptin and for one
Well..I'd say that is a bunch of new learning I have to do, that
even though my doctor was SO disappointed as she was hoping even
the Sentinal Node would be clear and 29 were cancercous..that my Her2Neu isn't what we
wanted either....again..Rich and I will follow this path of the journey.
His(Rich's) words today after we left the doctor
"we're good"
and we are!! thank you God for your overwhelming blessings.
Today I got gifts again and my friend Sally, came over for a visit,
brought Chicken & Rice, southern style green beans, rolls and four pieces
of cake (each piece a different cake) YUMMY and I'm gonna get plumper...
Last night was a good night of rest..today I haven't taken anything for
pain in 12+ hours!! woohoo..
I thank you all, I hope I can help others the way you help me
and remember ..to take care of YOU, get your mammo's and do your self exams

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