The right one is from the church where my friend MOLLYE works & worships.

MOLLYE'S card is signed by the Reverend ..to tell me @ noon mass on Dec. 12th, I will be prayed for by all worshippers!! I could not talk when I showed this to my hubby & told him about it. I cried when I read it the first time also!!! I'm gonna be FINE!!!

Mary says ..Deena you are beautiful in pink.
(and I was only striving for pretty)
CHURCH, who posts on my BLOG, many of
you have commented on her posts..even my BFF Marcia
said ..Church ..she's awesome!!
Well, she sketched this great Crow guy above!!
AND painted this wonderful Great Horned Owl, below .
We even have one, we've heard him AND seen him in the Singing Woods, behind our house..
He's so awesome!!! and he's a pocket ..I can add twigs or SWEETANNIE!! woo hoo..

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