Winter in the Singing Woods
The view from our deck.
Gifts..Mollye made the card & "believe" bracelet
& Lorraine of Pie Cake Prims made the HOPE angel.
Thank you my dear friends.
Tis a good thing..I've had so many well wishes, prayers, words
of faith hope and encouragement. Each one of you
has added something very special to my life. We will
continue to travel this path together. God has
a plan ..I want to accomplish what He wants for me.
I must say..we are ready to travel the Healing Path of
this journey. Tomorrow will be a major step in that direction,
Praise God
My friend "Church" will be posting updates in the comments section here.
I would expect to be out of surgery around 3 PM tomorrow
..Rich will stay with me all night tomorrow..I am so thankful.

Tis me in the macbook has a built in easy to
snap pics of my BIG HEAD!!

My sweet friend Sally made this art treasure today using a
graphic I had..She knows "Oh, Holy Night" is
one of my favorite Christmas Hymns.
Isn't it lovely?? The manger is one I have to celebrate
Jesus' birth. Our dear Saviour.
Today has been good, Rich has been so protective
and loving. The house has been so peaceful, calm and cozy.
We've had ice storms, but it's good enough for us to go
out for dinner in a bit.
I will post when I am home and able to get the laptop out
Probably the FIRST thing I'll do.
I am not afraid of will be GOOD to
get this cancer OUTTA HERE and move
on to
Ok, now let's get WELL
and in the words of a blog friend..
God's Gotcha!!
fondly, Deena
see you all soon..
I know the BLOG will take at least 75 comments!!
Will that be enough for 3-5 days??
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