The last few days have been a ROLLER COASTER, I am going to be very open
in this post & maybe brutally honest.
Friday AM started out early, as my oldest daughter , Nicole, my BFF, Marcia
and I had plans to go get some post surgery camis.
I'm sitting at the table, reading email..hubby is still home..and I hear a LOUD whine..
tis coming from the lower level..I go down there..KNOWING it's the furnace
and as I open the door to that room..I hear a clunk and a puttering out..and the
blower stops. ICK
Hubby comes down from the bedroom, I'm back in the kitchen, he makes a comment about that noise, which I tell him was the furnace. He's getting ready to LEAVE ,
" I think the furnace needs to run before you leave"
it WILL NOT..the blower isn't turning's a MAJOR ordeal, he says it'll cost
thousands..and acts MAD..I start sobbing..I can't stop, I'm out of control...crying so hard
I start gagging..and he says..LOL
"Stop crying or I'll spank you"
Well, I do laugh, but I can't stop my hysteria..
Hubby calls's about 8.30 AM
and tells me someone will be out between 11 & 1 to fix it if they
can. (they did come about 3PM and had the part we needed and we had heat by 4PM)
He tells me to go, I do...
I pick up my daughter, go put down the deposit for Rich's dad's apartment
then we pick up Marcia..and head for the Plaid Daisy ..
We get camis and a "bra" for after surgery, when I can wear one
again..go to lunch..
At lunch my daughter told me she was talking to her soon *to* be* ex husband..he's
so rotten..he told her ..go home to your cancer infested mom..HE knows what
to say to hurt her!!! and she didn't realize she shouldn't share it..I broke out
in tears when she told me that..I do NOT have cancer because I did something
wrong!!!!!!!!!!!! I am NOT "infested" I am HIS son's grandma. I am a, wife, daughter, WOMAN with a huge heart..and I am tender.
My daughter is tired and wants a nap before work, so we drop her at home.
Marcia and I go to The Cancer Center for Healthy Living..
get on the mailing list and find out about their FREE services..
yoga ..a nutritionist..(going this week) ..and massages , but 20.00
an hour..I have 20.00..I'm going to call for an appt..THIS WEEK.
The boys came over..hence the post about my Cancer Sucks button..
Saturday was good, I pretty much stayed in bed and watched
my Dvr'd shows..The Sopranos & Law and Order, SVU...
then off to a wonderful Christmas Dinner at one of my
fave restaurants, when we got home the power was out..
and Rich's dad was in bed..I called the power company
and she said the crew was out..and 5 minutes later it was
back on after 1.5 hours of being off..SO here comes' Rich's dad
out in his tiny boxer shorts..walking around like its time to
party..OK, that's it , BED for ME..
Come Sunday..UGH...I am so stressed out about everything..I act
like a BRAT..I want my husband to MYSELF..I'm tired of
sharing my home and my life with someone who doesn't
acknowledge I even live here..I even CURSED at my husband
cuz he was pouting cuz the DIsh Network wasn't working..LIKE WHO CARES!!
He's acting mad..and I'm suppose to go to the I ask for some cash..he
throws it at me..I am furious by now..I grab the cash and my purse and LEAVE!!
I meet my friends..we have lunch..then go to see the movie
tis sooooo good...I loved it..I cried (of course, my nickname is WB..for Water BAG)
my friends brought Christmas presents..and I didn't ..but I will ..they will
come visit after my surgery..We LAUGH at old work lunch..I love it
I could write a book!!! In fact, I think I will!! teehee..
After the movie, I went to the some gloves and a CUTE
jacket..then went THE GRINCH AND THE TROLL...
Needless to say, I'm in my room..simmering..wanting to run downstairs and
I have cancer!!!!! see me..I'm here..I matter..I hurt..I'm sad, I'm you care????
Rich made supper for his dad, I heard him..He didn't come ask me if I wanted
anything.. THE BEARS must be LOSING..cuz he's a BEAR when they do.
I asked him to do TWO things today..and he didn't do either..EVEN though
he said he would..I can't drag our huge tree up the stairs I can
decorate it..and he told me he would paint shutters today..he promised..
WELL, I am so disappointed..I am almost wishing I could just
go to the hospital now and STAY..I don't need stress , anger or
resentment..and I have it all..
Sure maybe I started it...but come on..give me a BIG OLE BREAK...I need love
too.. Some days.. my hubby is the BEST ..and some days.. I'd like to SLAP him...
and you know what???? I bet HE feels exactly the same way about me...that's the
human in us..
Men just don't get it sometimes.
Gosh ..what will I be acting like in one more week???
A LUNATIC , I bet..!!! Pray for friends who need prayer
and my HUSBAND.
I need him to be kind right I need to be kind.
My head hurts and I'm going to bathe in that tub you see above..and I guess
I'll take some Tylenol PM and hope tomorrow brings ME a new attitude.
fondly, Deena
the witchypoo's one work story
REAL truth
Remember I was a banker in my real world life..
we had a teller who wanted the day off and the Teller Supervisor said no..
so the morning of the day she wanted off, she stopped in the lobby, used the
pay phone to call in a Bomb Threat...Well, the bank didn't get shut one
got to go home, but she did get found out later and the FBI came for her.
WE laughed about that..cuz.
when my BFF came in to work that day, she passed thru that
Later our Security Officer said 911 tracked the call to the lobby pay phone
and asked my BFF is she saw anything when she came in to work..she said
no , but you might ask (insert the teller's name who made the call here) ..she was on the phone
when I came in, maybe she saw something..ROFL..we can laugh 15 years later..
but it wasn't so funny then!!!
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