Overdue Update

Every time I'm about to blog and post an update picture of my SB stocking something happens which prevents me from doing so. I finally have the time to post so I decided to do it before something else comes up.
All that's left to do is the bottom, backstitching, and Isabel's name. I'm having fun stitching this and think I'll be done with it by Christmas. Now that I'm back at work most of my stitching is done on the train. My days off have been so hectic that I hardly stitch at home :(

I have a stitching date on the 11th which I'm looking forward to a little more than usual. Work has been CRAZY!!! I mean it's been quiet at night, I'm usually done with my work work at around 10pm and get a chance to stitch an hour before my break and then for maybe an hour of my break before the morning hecticness begins but it just feels like all I do is come home and go to work. I hate when it feels like that. This week I worked Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, and today and tomorrow. I'm so drained! After being off for the majority of November I just can't get back into the swing of things. *sigh* I'm going to take a nap I only slept for about 5 hours last night and that's not going to cut it if I'm going to work two more nights. TTFN!


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