Sixx DESIGN ....Does The Bungalow Hotel

My goodness! Did you all catch the last episode of "9 By Design" this past Tuesday on Bravo tv?  I'm always so impressed by their work. I like how Robert told his son (when they were hanging the tag sale sign) to place it SIDEWAYS so people would take notice. Then he said something like, " that's how we do things at Sixx DesignMeaning, they aren't like everyone else & they do things differently! YES, they do.
(image above via bravo tv)

I admire how they take risks and how courageous they are! Good for them! For those of you that did NOT get to see the episode, (for whatever reason), maybe you just don't have Bravo tv, below are the pics of the Bungalow Hotel in New Jersey they designed. Lovin' it! 

images above via bungalow hotel

What was your favorite part of their design at the Bungalow Hotel? What stood out the most to you?


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