I Couldn't Resist.......

Well girls, it was inevitable and while I keep telling myself I don't really need anymore, I just couldn't resist adding these adorable new finds to my collections.

Who besides me could resist adding another cute baby planter to her collection when you stumble across one like this at a bargain price of just $4.95? I knew for sure if I had left it behind I would have regretted it, especially knowing that with the price as low as it was, some other collector would snatch it up pretty quickly.

The blue color is so pretty and when you add some pink and yellow to the mix and a little bit of green as well, it makes for such a lovely combination of colors and is so cheerful to look at. And how cute are the Mommy and Daddy ducks with their little baby ducklings? Totally adorable !!!

And with blue apparently being my color choice of the day, when I saw this pretty little china lady figurine standing on the shelf, I just about squealed as she is so lovely. Not as bold of a blue as that of the baby planter, but just a hint of the perfect shade of blue in the ruffled hem of her dress and in the flowers in her basket.

I can even pretend she is the lady with the baby pram out for a stroll on a beautiful, sunny spring day.

I hope you are enjoying this spring day yourself and that you are all having a good week so far.
See you soon !!!


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