My Friend Dena

Dena of Swaddle Cottage, wrote this last year. She has a new blog..Word Pies.. filled with her writing, I hope you'll visit her
This is for all the ladies in pink


She heard the doctors
Her spine stiffened
Her resolve formed
So what..?
She ties on a pink bandana
And manages her mascara
Her smile like magic in the mirror
So strong
There’s little left of her hair
But it will come in thicker
She focuses on that
So positive
Her appetite is minimal
Yet she manages family meals
Even if she can’t always cook
So diligent
There’s pain
Sometimes too much
She rarely complains
So brave
We watch her fight
Marvel at her strength
And we all know she’s
So pretty…
In pink

I know that your schedule is busy and I am thankful that you have taken the time to read this. If it moved you at all, please take one second more and click this link. It is a free and easy way to lend support. Every click helps to fund mammograms for those in need.

The Breast Cancer Site


P.S., I'll trade your comment for a click ;)


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