First Day Of School.......

My family is the most important thing to me, and while I am not married and have no children of my own, I am a very lucky and proud Auntie to my younger sisters three children who I love and adore to pieces.

The youngest two are twins who turned 5 years old in April. Hunter and Kylee started kindergarten this year and I just had to share with you a picture that was taken on their first day of school as they were waiting for the school bus to arrive.

They are best buddies and just too cute for words!!!

Because I haven't had much else to do this week while I've been on vacation, I've been playing around on my blog changing some pictures. I'm sure you've already noticed that I changed my blog header photo. I figured it was time for something new to freshen it up a bit. Sorry, no Fall colors here. I love my pastels too much to give them up, even for the change of seasons and the holidays. I also changed my profile picture as well. Just thought I would point that out so you wouldn't think some stranger had overtaken my blog.

Hope you are all having a great week. Enjoy what's left of it..

See you soon.


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