Praise God, MY BFF has NO cancer!!!

Oh I am so happy!! She's out and doing good..and no just the left side of her thyroid gland is gone.
She has to stay the night , then comes home tomorrow afternoon.
I am so happy!!! I knew it would be okay, I just KNEW it.
Her husband, son, brother, a cousin and I were all there.
I think she had TOO big of a peanut gallery.. I left early ...

my poor dear dog Hannah pushed out of the fence today, she was
gone for about 7 hours..someone further up Singing Woods, called ..left
a message..& I went to rescue her.  She was shaking , she was so scared..and 
can hardly walk, but she's home..I guess she'll be in to see the vet next.
What a draining day..The hospital is the one I'll have surgery in..and it
was SO busy..and UGH I'm not looking forward to it..
but..that's another day.. back to decorating a bit this evening.
thanks for all the prayers..
and thanks to Sally who hung a loaf of fresh baked bread
on the front sweet!!
I got a surprise in the mail, pictures tomorrow..


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