Junk Bonanza - Day 2

Well, I did it Girls...

I went back to "Junk Bonanza" on Saturday, this time all alone, so I could wonder as I please and linger looking at everything that I wanted to without having to worry about anyone else besides me.

As I had been there the day before, I knew which booths in particular that I really wanted to spend some more time browsing in and looking at all the goodies for sale. And my, oh, my were there lots goodies. Good thing I had already set aside money for spending at Junk Bonanza and knew exactly how much I could spend, or I could have gone crazy and bought way more than I did.

My treasure hunting on my return visit scored me several more items.

Like this adorable three tier corner shelf that now sits on my crafting table waiting to be filled with pretty items for display.....

And this vintage sewing tin...

A few more packs of paper ephemera that I'll use someday when I finally use that crafting table for something more than just displaying all my pretty finds on...

A vintage soap box in a pale yellow color with a bouquet of flowers on the cover. This I will add to my collection of yellows that I have displayed in my living room...

And how about this cute distressed looking key.. Shabby perfection. It has two hooks on the back for hanging, but I haven't' figured out yet where I'll hang it. I'm thinking maybe in my home office as it will look very pretty against my pale blue walls. I'll think of it as my "Key to Success".. Hee, Hee. How do you like that idea?

And as a keepsake to remember the fun time I had at "Junk Bonanza", I bought a Junk Bonanza commemorative T-Shirt that I'll be able to wear. Probably not until next summer though as it's gotten quite chilly here in Minnesota and I'm already wearing my long sleeves and sweaters to stay warm.

What a fun weekend this was and I am already looking forward to next years Junk Bonanza event. But for now, it's back to work tomorrow. Time to earn some more money for my next treasure hunting adventure :-)


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