Stuff .........

Are you like me ??

Do you enjoy seeing other peoples stuff?

I'm guessing you do. Especially when that stuff just happens to be pretty.

I can't seem to get enough of it. My eyes are instantly drawn to pretty pictures, whether they be out here in blogland or in the pages of magazines or books. I love to see all the little bits and pieces that people collect and gather around them for their enjoyment.

Today, I'm sharing with you a few glimpses of some pretty stuff on my crafting table. Yes, it's a bit on the messy side, but it's still pretty in my minds eye.

Have you notice a certain theme here?? Lots of pinks and pale blues. My two favorite colors.

Hope you enjoyed seeing some of my "stuff". Now I'm off to hop around bloglond to look at other peoples pretty stuff.

Have a great weekend !!


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