very LONG post

I've been wanting to post for a while now but Kelly took the camera with him and I just hate to post without pictures so I haven't. Anyway I got the camera back tonight and here I am :-)

I had the week off last week and I expected to have lots of finishes or finished finishes to show off but I don't :-( I do have LOTS of starts that I won't share because I have a bad case of startitis right now and don't know what I'll finish or when I'll finish it. I hate when that happens...makes me feel so unaccomplished in my stitching. At least I still have my mojo and am still stitching instead of not stitching and being in a slump.

I had a great week off but of during my time off my parents and other family members got sick with this stomach plague. I managed to avoid it but wouldn't you know Friday when I woke up I felt nauseous and as I was getting ready for work my tummy started to cramp and I had a fever. I couldn't call out after being off for a week (they would just think I wanted to extend my week) so I went in to work. Jeez what a mistake that was! I felt so sick that on the train instead of stitching, reading, or listening to my iPod I just rested my head on the bars and tried to sleep. While at work I almost passed out in a patients room (my hearing even went fuzzy for a few minutes)and I was about to tell the other nurses I was on my way to the ER, when a patient grabs the other nurse by the neck and hurts her so badly she had to go to the ER *grrrr* Well since the ratio is 8:1 and we're a 24 bed floor, the other nurse and I had to pick up her patients until she got back (FYI: she didn't come back) which brought us to 11:1 (thank God for empty beds!!) Saturday night I felt a bit better and I know I'm going to get in trouble when I go back to work but I took the rest of the weekend off (I was suppose to work Sat and Sun as well) I can eat and keep food down but certain foods still make my tummy feel funny.

I did put my sick days to good use though. I wanted to finish some finishes during my week and I didn't but I managed to finish 3 things on Saturday! Here they are...

I wanted to finish more off but hey three is good enough for me. And *so happy* I think I did a better job at my cording this time! The middle piece was the second block I received from the fair and square exchange. Sadly it's stained at the bottom because my cousin put a can of Pepsi where it shouldn't have been but it's something that can be overlooked. The pinkeep I'm not too sure if I want to flip the cording upside down and have the little loose threads on top instead of on the bottom. But I love them all :-) Now hopefully in April when I'm off for another week I'll finish up some more things.

I did have 1 finish during my time off...nothing too big but I'm happy that I got it done because I managing so far to stick with it and that's my Red Thread Snappers. Here's the March portion called "Fly a Kite."And here's the entire thing...I know I should stitch the border as I go but right now I don't feel like it. I told myself that after I finish the 6th one I'll do it. Hopefully I stick to that decision.
I also have a WIP to share as well. This should have been finished by now but my cousin is off for spring break and I keep going out with him so I haven't had any real time to stitch. It's The Trilogy's Spring Tree and I'm stitching it on 28ct evenweave over 1. I like it so far and will probably finish it tomorrow since I have plans on stitching it on the train tonight on my way to work. I had a hard time stitching those bees (the little black dots) and may re-do them and also rip out the eye and nose on the bunny. I want to stitch all the trees over 1 and make them into little ornaments or pin keeps.

I have been working on my Halloween Fairy but forgot to take a picture of it...maybe next time. Thanks for reading this far :-) I'll leave you with one last thing before I leave's a contest hosted on the Stitch Pink Blog and it's for a chance to win this.
Just leave a comment on the Stitch Pink Blog and good luck!


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