
My plans for the past 2 days were to stitch until my fingers fell off but I didn't. Last night I took my grandfather to the ER because he was wheezing, had labored breathing, low grade temp, was weak and in pain. They admitted him, he has pneumonia, is anemic and received 2 units of blood today. I didn't go to see him but my mom did and she tells me he doesn't look so great. They were just beginning to start his transfusion so I figure tomorrow he should be a little perkier once it's all done. *sigh* I had plans on stitching in the ER thinking my aunt would stay at his stretcher side but I ended up being the one standing and giving the info so my stitching stayed in it's bag on the stretcher LOL. Anyway I did get to stitch before we left and here's what I got so far: In other news...today the UPS guy brought me this *squeal*

I've been wanting a nice bag to carry my stash in and when I saw this I thought it might work. I figured if it didn't I could always return it. Well anyhoo since I was going to my not so LNS in NJ today I thought I'd try it out and OMG it's PERFECT!!! I love it so much! It has a pocket for my cell phone and wallet (things I'm forever losing in my current stitching bag) and it's spacious enough that I can put a few projects in. My 10"x14" mesh bags fit in it very nicely unlike my other bag.

Tomorrow is Leap Day...I work *blah* but in one of my groups someone said since it's an extra day that we only get every 4 years we should take advantage of it and do something out of the ordinary...something like splurge on a little stash OR start a new project! Like I said I work so I decided to do it today haha. I bought 6 charts and some fabric, 2 of those charts are things I want to stitch for Kelly. I can't wait to start one so I may start it after midnight OR I may start CCN Summer Garden - decisions decisions!

Well I'm going to blow dry my hair so I can then stitch until my eyes get sleepy. TTFN :-)


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